ABout the Business

We offer complete confidentiality and professional assistance.

Legal document assistants (formerly known as independent paralegals) provide the expertise, professional training and experience to help you represent yourself. Our experience and training will help you avoid the need to become entangled in a legal system that can often be expensive, confusing, and complicated. Even the best self-help books can be difficult and overwhelming. We work with you so your documents are completed professionally and on time.

Our goal is to provide the help you need to help yourself.

Owner: Regina Van Hecke

I am a trained, registered, and bonded Legal Document Assistant. I have a Bachelor's in Fine Arts and have been a resident of Santa Cruz since 1998. 

I have a strong background in conflict resolution skills and volunteered as a family-law mediator for the Santa Cruz Conflict Resolution Center. I have long-standing professional relationships with multiple attorneys and have vast experience working on collaborative cases.

I work compassionately and professionally with my clients and I am dedicated to helping individuals and couples access the legal system. 

Legal Document Services was purchased in 2015 from former owner, Tamara Parker.

California Association of Legal Document Assistants (calda.org).

Note from the owner: I am not an attorney. I can only provide self-help services at your specific direction.

- Regina Van Hecke, LDA REG. #41, Santa Cruz County